
Client: Altex

Ubication: Madrid

These are the new offices that we designed and built for Altex Asset Management.

What do some of the most recognizable companies in the TOP 50 worldwide have in common?… The beginning of their journey in a garage. Yes, now we all recognize in this type of space a source of inspiration that speaks to us about the values, goals, feelings, and convictions of those who started their dream there.

Grupo Cador has collaborated with Altex Asset Management to ensure that every corner of their new office recalls the excitement experienced by those visionaries.

The result is a space that adds to the final effect what would have been an initial limitation, the forest of columns, to achieve a casual and energetic aesthetic that aligns well with the profile of young users.

Specialist and social spaces blend to create a distinctive identity that is conveyed to visitors from the entrance, responding in number and configuration to the organization’s needs.

Then, untreated columns and textured structures in black take center stage in a design for a practical and creative style.

A great outcome that we share with you.

The “Altex” project

Cador Altex
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