Double Tree by Hitlon Mazatlán

Client: Double Tree by Hilton

Ubication: Mazatlán. Estado de Sinaloa. (México)

After successfully completing the renovation of this hotel operating as The Local, the Cador Mexico team was once again contracted to rebrand it as DoubleTree by Hilton.

As part of this latest project, key areas of the hotel were redesigned to meet the brand’s standards manual and create appeal for new customers.

These areas included the restaurant, public bathrooms, “Five Feet to Fitness” spaces, and reception/connectivity zone.

A layout change with new finishes and look & feel was implemented in these spaces to give a new direction to the overall concept of the hotel.

Additionally, architectural supervision visits were conducted to oversee construction work in line with the new guidelines.

The “Double Tree by Hilton” project

Double Tree by Hitlon Mazatlán
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