We do
Design and build projects

Following a sole responsibility model, we make a commitment to execute every design task, finish all the fit-out works, obtain all the permits, supply the equipment, and even take care of the move – everything within the agreed timeline and budget.

Work process.

01. Work style analysis
Through interviews and field observations, we study the different working methods within the organization (individual, project-based, remote…), which will allow us to define the functionality of every workspace.
02. Design
We craft a design concept inspired by the culture of each organization. This company culture will be then represented through the interior architecture of the different workspaces, using the materials and finishes that best fit the design.
03. Project details and licenses
We design the blueprint, calculate the installations, write the reports, and include all the required details. This will allow us to work with a fixed price, carry out all the work, and obtain all the necessary permits.
04. Worksite implementation
We appoint a project manager for each project, who will be responsible for all the civil work and installation items and units together with the different experts, making sure the project adheres to the agreed budget and timeline.
05. Furnishing and move
We furnish the workspace with workstation furniture, bespoke woodwork, and decoration. Then, we take care of coordinating the move, usually during weekends to avoid any interruption of the business activities.
06. Change management
We develop communication tools designed to help those affected by the workspace transformation understand the project objectives and increase their change acceptance, which will contribute to a seamless transition.

Success stories

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